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Exclusive pre-order:  Nightflowers is almost here

Reconnect with the natural world through the secret 
language of plants.. 


Scientists have discovered that plants communicate with each other through a language of scent, making the world of plants animated and alive. This language inspired me to start Lingua Planta and create perfumes that reconnect our sensorial world to the wonder of nature. 

- Merle

Discover our range of
     plant-based perfumes


Our discovery kit is the best way to

get to know Lingua Planta perfumes.

Attract - The fragrance of bees and butterflies who encounter a Bulgarian rose. A Rosy, musky, opulent scent.

Sound of Attract
00:00 / 00:53

Defend - The fragrance which reminisces a forest walk in spring of green broken stems and trembled grass. A deep green and primal perfume.

Sound of Defend
00:00 / 04:01

By experiencing the fragrances of Lingua Planta, you can immerse yourself in the language of plants and connect with the natural world in a

new and profound way. 

Repel - The fragrance a lemon

tree in a Sicilian vegetable garden in spring. An invigorating perfume with a little extra.

Sound of Repel
00:00 / 02:46

Understory - The fragrance of the ancient underground conversation between mycelium and trees. A scent layered with mossy, pine and earthy notes.

Sound of Understory
00:00 / 02:59

HenosisThe fragrance of a smoldering bonfire, the most primordial of rituals, where the warming fumes have a calming effect on body and mind.

Sound of Henosis
00:00 / 01:19

Lingua Planta represents a larger shift in our relationship with nature. It always has been my goal to make immersive scents that make you- if you are open to it, feel more connected with the world with plants.

We are nature too, and I believe that by connecting to our senses, we can connect to ourselves. 

I am creating my perfumes with care and attention to the world of plants as well as the humans that are tending to them, ensuring that each fragrance is made not only with the highest quality of essential oils, absolutes and extracts

for our enjoyment, but also as friendly as can be to all of Earth's inhabitants. 

With love,



Small-batch fragrances,

      handmade and kind to earth.


Grow with us

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